Hit-and-Run Results in Death of Young Mother in Jacksonville

Causing a car accident is bad. Fleeing the scene of that accident is even worse. It basically sends the message that the reckless driver docs not care if the other driver and/or passenger(s) were hurt in the collision. They only care about their well-being and flee in the hopes of escaping liability.
An example can be found in the heartbreaking accident that occurred on Cedar Point Road in Jacksonville resulting in the death of a young mother. Police indicate that a motorist cut off the young mother, who was operating an Isuzu Rodeo, causing the mother to crash into a concrete pole. The mother died at the scene of the crash and left behind an 18-month-old daughter, according to CBS 47 News. Police retrieved video footage that shows the vehicle involved in this tragic collision, but they have yet to determine who was operating the vehicle.
Deepest condolences go out to the friends and family of the young mother. Losing someone you love is always difficult, but the pain and sorrow is made that much worse when the victim is young and leaves behind children of their own who will now be forced to grow up without the love and guidance of a parent.
Unfortunately, serious hit-and-run accidents occur with disturbing regularity in Florida. In fact, the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles reports that hit-and-run accidents comprised nearly 25 percent of all automobile accidents in the stale in 2014.
Hit-and-Run Against the Law
Leaving the scene of an accident is not only morally abhorrent, it is against the law in Florida. According to Florida Statute § 316.027(1)(a), fleeing the scene of an automobile collision where another party was harmed can result in third degree felony charges. If you leave the scene of an accident where someone died, the result is a first-degree felony charge.
If Florida police file criminal charges against the hit-and-run driver (assuming they are eventually apprehended), the surviving family members still retain the right to hold the reckless driver accountable through a civil action.
Types of Financial Restitution Available After a Hit-and-Run Accident
If you or a loved one was injured in a hit-and-run accident, you may be worried about paying your medical expenses and covering fixed expenses like rent, utilities, etc. due to missing time from work. Do not fret. There are sources of financial restitution you can access after this type of accident. For example, you can immediately file a claim with your own auto insurance company to access personal injury protection benefits (PIP). Under Florida law, every motorist is legally obligated to carry up to $10,000 in PIP coverage. These benefits are paid by your own auto insurance company and no assessment of fault is needed in order to obtain benefits.
When you file a PIP claim, please understand that it will only cover up to 80 percent of your medical bills and 60 percent of your lost wages and the overall benefit total is capped at $10,000. In addition to pursuing a PIP claim after a hit and run accident, you should speak lo an attorney lo discuss filing a personal injury lawsuit.
Jacksonville Car Accident Lawyer Here to Help
If you or a family member have questions about your legal rights after a hit-and-run accident, contact Gillette Law P.A. in Jacksonville today. Our experienced and skilled legal team is here to help. Contact our office today to schedule a free, confidential case review.
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