Why Are There So Many Car Accidents In Florida?

Florida is listed among the top 5 states for car accidents across the country. No one would blame you for wondering why our state tends to have more car accidents than most. One of the major reasons for this is that Florida has a very large population. States that are more sparsely populated tend to have fewer car accidents. The fewer the number of cars on the road, the less likely you are to get into an accident. In this article, the Jacksonville car accident attorneys at Gillette Law will discuss why car accidents are so prevalent in Florida.
Out-of-town drivers
Florida is a tourist trap for out-of-town individuals who come to the state for vacation. Accidents are more likely to occur when you are unfamiliar with the roads you are driving on. Familiarity with the roads reduces the risk of car accidents in Florida. Those who are unfamiliar with the roads get into more accidents.
Road design and maintenance
In the last century, Florida saw a major boom in its population. Today, millions of people still flock to Florida for their retirements. More vehicles on the road increase the wear and tear of Florida streets. In many cases, these roads were designed with a smaller population in mind. For that reason, the structure of the roads can be more dangerous to drivers than other states.
Aging population
Florida is a retirement spot for millions of Americans each year. Because of this, we have many more senior drivers on the road than other states. While many seniors operate their vehicles carefully and obey the rules of traffic, others do not. An aging population is one reason why our roads are considered more dangerous than other states.
Drunk driving
As of 2021, nearly one-third of fatal accidents in Florida were caused by drunk drivers. Add to this that Florida is a hot spot for vacationers and you have a perfect storm of dangerous driving conditions. Drunk driving is often a problem during Spring Break when many students come to Florida to party.
Speeding is another major cause of car accidents in Florida. When a driver doesn’t obey the speed limit, they put other drivers in peril. Floridians tend to speed more often than residents in other states. Speeding remains a major cause of car accidents in Florida.
Distracted driving
Distracted driving is becoming one of the most likely reasons that a car accident will occur. With distractions such as infotainment systems in cars and cell phones, distracted driving is becoming increasingly prevalent as a major risk to drivers on the road. Texting while driving is a form of distracted driving.
Talk to a Jacksonville Car Accident Attorney Today
Have you been injured in a car accident? If so, the Jacksonville car accident attorneys at Gillette Law can help you negotiate a fair settlement with the insurance company that compensates you for all of your injuries. Call our office today to schedule a free consultation, and we can begin discussing your claims right away.