Category Archives: Dog Bites

Emotional Support Pitbull Injures Child at Airport
Service animals serve a variety of roles. From helping the blind see to learning to predict the onset of a seizure, service animals have become invaluable allies to the humans that need them. Under the law, they are not considered pets and have elevated status. Their owner’s right to have them is protected by… Read More »

Are Wolf Hybrids Legal in Florida?
If you think of aggressive dogs, you probably think of pit bulls, rottweilers, and other large dogs. Among those are wolf hybrids. While most larger dogs have been domesticated to the point of being safe around people, wolf hybrids have proven themselves unsafe, even when their upbringing is ideal. Those who keep wolf hybrids… Read More »

What Happens if You are Attacked By a Vicious Dog?
There is no doubt that dogs are a beloved creature by many; they are “man’s best friend.” But, what happens when man’s best friend turns on you? Some dog breeds are vicious by nature and that viciousness is brought out further by the environment that the dog is raised in. If a dog bites… Read More »

Dog Attack Leaves One Atlanta Child Dead and Another One Critically Injured
Two children in Fulton County were attacked by two dogs while walking to their school bus stop. One child, a five-year-old girl was taken to the hospital with serious injuries. Sadly, the other child, a six-year-old boy, succumbed to his injuries. The two dogs, described as pit bull mixes, belonged to a nearby neighbor… Read More »
Incredible Physical Trauma Occurs in Relentless Florida Dog Attack
In recent WPBF News, a West Palm Beach, Florida, dog attack incident nearly cost the life of a man on February 24, 2016. Three pit bulls escaped their home and went strolling through the suburbs in search of human prey. The dogs came upon a homeless man asleep near a sidewalk in front of… Read More »
Signs of an Aggressive Dog
According to, there were 42 fatal dog attacks in 2014. While all dogs are capable of inflicting serious harm, 64 percent of fatal dog bites involved pit bulls. The Rottweiler is the second most deadly dog breed, making up 10 percent of fatal dog attacks. While extra vigilance should be given to these… Read More »
Injured by a Dog? Understand Your Rights
You’re walking down Scranton Road or Newcastle Street in Brunswick and a dog approaches you. They are accompanied by their owner and everything seems to be fine. The dog appears perfectly friendly. Suddenly, out of nowhere, the dog becomes aggressive and bites your arm causing a serious wound requiring multiple stitches and additional treatment…. Read More »
Another One Bites the Dust: Understanding Florida Dog Bite Laws
If you or a loved one was bitten by a dog and suffered a serious injury, you may have the grounds to pursue a personal injury claim against the dog’s owner. Under Florida law, a dog owner is held “strictly liable” for the actions of their pet, pursuant to Florida Code Section 767.04. This… Read More »
What Can You Do to Avoid an Animal Attack or Dog Bite?
What Can You Do to Avoid an Animal Attack or Dog Bite? Dog bites can cause serious injuries, and owners are liable for damages. However, understanding when a dog is about to attack or is prone to biting can help you and your loved ones avoid dog bites. In the event that you suffer… Read More »